I want to speed up a python code my calling a c function:
I have a the function in vanilla python sum_and_multiply.py
def sam_py(lim_sup):
total = 0
for i in range(0,lim_sup): # xrange is slower according
for j in range(1, lim_sup): #to my test but more memory-friendly.
total += (i / j)
return total
then I have the equivalent function in C sum_and_multiply_c.c
#include <stdio.h>
double sam_c(int lim_sup){
int i;
int j;
double total;
total = 0;
double div;
for (i=0; i<lim_sup; i++){
for (j=1; j<lim_sup; j++){
div = (double) i / j;
// printf("div: %.2f\n", div);
total += div;
// printf("total: %.2f\n", total);
printf("total: %.2f\n", total);
return total;
a file script.py
which calls the 2 functions
from sum_and_multiply import sam_py
import time
lim_sup = 6000
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
time_elapsed01 = end - start
print("time elapsed: %.4fs" % time_elapsed01)
from ctypes import *
my_c_fun = CDLL("sum_and_multiply_c.so")
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
time_elapsed02 = end - start
print("time elapsed: %.4fs" % time_elapsed02)
print("Speedup coefficient: %.2fx" % (time_elapsed01/time_elapsed02))
and finally a shell script bashscript.zsh
which compile the C code and then call script.py
cc -fPIC -shared -o sum_and_multiply_c.so sum_and_multiply_c.c
python script.py
Here is the output:
time elapsed: 2.3095s
total: 166951817.45
time elapsed: 0.3016s
Speedup coefficient: 7.66x
Here is my question although the c function calculate correctly the result (as output 166951817.45 via printf) its output when passed to python is 20 which wrong. How could I have 166951817.45 instead?
Edit the problem persists after changing the last part of the script.py
as follows:
from ctypes import *
my_c_fun = CDLL("sum_and_multiply_c.so")
my_c_fun.restype = c_double
my_c_fun.argtypes = [ c_int ]
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
time_elapsed02 = end - start
print("time elapsed: %.4fs" % time_elapsed02)
print("Speedup coefficient: %.2fx" % (time_elapsed01/time_elapsed02))
You're assuming Python can "see" your function returns a double
. But it can't. C doesn't "encode" the return type in anything, so whoever calls a function from a library needs to know its return type, or risk misinterpreting it.
You should have read the documentation of CDLL
before using it! If you say this is for the sake of exercise, then that exercise needs to include reading the documentation (that's what good programmers do, no excuses).
class ctypes.CDLL(name, mode=DEFAULT_MODE, handle=None, use_errno=False, use_last_error=False)
Instances of this class represent loaded shared libraries. Functions in these libraries use the standard C calling convention, and are assumed to return
(emphasis mine.)
https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/ctypes.html#return-types is your friend (and the top of the page will tell you that Python2 is dead and you shouldn't use it, even if you insist on it. I'm sure you have a better reason than the Python developers themselves!).
my_c_fun = CDLL("sum_and_multiply_c.so")
sam_c = my_c_fun.sam_c
sam_c.restype = c_double
sam_c.argtypes = [ c_int ]
value = sam_c(6000)
is the way to go.