I would like to use VNET integration for my Web App. My Web App is talking to Azure SQL DB at the moment and i am going to use Private Link for Azure SQL. So for that it is essential to enable VNET integration for my web app as per the URL : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/web-sites-integrate-with-vnet
I am currently on Standard S1 SKU. I would like to know will my SKU support VNET integration or i have to upgrade my Web App to premium? In the link that i have pasted it says :
"The VNet Integration features:
Require a Standard, Premium, PremiumV2, PremiumV3, or Elastic Premium pricing plan. Support TCP and UDP. Work with Azure App Service apps and function apps."
So whatever SKU i am on, is it supported for VNET integration? Also, when i try to scale up to Premium P2v2 i get the message that "Premium V2 is not supported for this scale unit".
Please help
First of all S1 is the minimum SKU that supports VNet integration.
However, your issue arises due to how hardware is arranged in Azure data centers. These are composed of "scale units", don't know the actual hardware size, but these have specific capabilities.
As newer hardware becomes available, new scale units and SKUs are introduced, but the older scale units usually do not support the new capabilities, and typically it's not economic to upgrade them to do so.
So in your scenario, you deployed into a scale unit that supported S1 but not the newer SKUs.
The way around this is to do an initial deployment to the larger size e.g. PremiumV3 and then lower the size to S1 - that way you are on hardware that is capable of the newer SKUs.