I am making a school project, and right now I'm having a problem with the label's backgrounds.
the objective is to make the label's background the same as the frame in both dark and light themes, and if possible, remove the little different color on the edges of the buttons.
import tkinter
import customtkinter
root_tk = customtkinter.CTk() # create CTk window like you do with the Tk window
root_tk.minsize(1280, 720)
class GUI:
def __init__(self, root_tk):
Frame1 = customtkinter.CTkFrame(root_tk)
frame2 = customtkinter.CTkFrame(Frame1, width=100, height=720)
frame3 = customtkinter.CTkFrame(root_tk, width=250, height=725)
frame3.place(anchor="w", relx=0.0, rely=0.5, relwidth=0.2, relheight=1)
def test(self):
self.switch = customtkinter.CTkSwitch(master=root_tk, text="Dark Mode", command=self.theme_change)
self.switch.place(relx=0.05, rely=0.05)
self.label_width = customtkinter.CTkLabel(root_tk, text="glasses width:")
self.label_width.place(relx=0.1, rely=0.67, anchor=tkinter.CENTER)
self.label_height = customtkinter.CTkLabel(root_tk, text="glasses height:")
self.label_height.place(relx=0.1, rely=0.77, anchor=tkinter.CENTER)
self.button_add_Face = customtkinter.CTkButton(root_tk, width=200, height=50, border_width=0, corner_radius=8, hover=True, text="Adicionar Rostos", command=print("added"))
self.button_add_Face.place(relx=0.1, rely=0.6, anchor=tkinter.CENTER)
def theme_change(self):
if self.switch.get() == 1:
start = GUI(root_tk)
According to the source code of the CTkBaseClass
for the widgets. The background color should be the same as the fg_color
of your master as long as you haven't defined explicitly a bg_color
for your widget.
Look at the configure method of the BaseClass
and follow it to the detect_color_of_master.
the objective is to make the label's background the same as the frame in both dark and light themes
So this should do the trick:
Frame1 = customtkinter.CTkFrame(root_tk,fg_color=root_tk.fg_color)
self.button_add_Face = customtkinter.CTkButton(Frame1, width=200, height=50, border_width=0, corner_radius=8, hover=True, text="Adicionar Rostos", command=print("added"), border_color=root_tk.fg_color)
But you may are more interested in the ThemeManager. There are some Themes and you could just do another .json
file in the form of the examples and add it in this directory to apply your own style.