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rxdart - using combineLatest, the way combiner works

How does the combiner actually work?

Stream<bool> get isValid => Rx.combineLatest2(name1, mobile1, (name2, mobile2) => true);

If name1 and mobile1 are streams, then what are the types of name2 and mobile2 in brackets?


  • In your example, name2 and mobile2 refer to the latest content that was emitted by the streams name1 and mobile1. So your question - the types of name2 and mobile2 - depend on the streams that you give it.

    I think calling them name1 and name2 actually kind of makes it a bit confusing, and perhaps it would make more sense to think of it like this:

    Rx.combineLatest2(nameStream, mobileStream, (name, mobile) => ... )

    To give a concrete example, imagine that name is a String and mobile is int. And imagine that what you want is a Stream of your own class called Person which has the parameter name and mobile like this:

    class Person {
      String name;
      int mobile;
      Person({required, required this.person});

    You could combine your latest name and latest mobile to get a Stream<Person> like this:

    Stream<Person> get person => 
          nameStream, mobileStream, (name, mobile) => 
             Person(name: name, mobile: mobile));


    • nameStream is of type Stream<String>
    • mobileStream is of type Stream<int>
    • name is of type String
    • mobile is of type int
    • and the get function person returns Stream<Person>

    You can specify your class types in the function like this:

    Stream<Person> get person => 
      Rx.combineLatest2<String, int, Person>(
        nameStream, mobileStream, (name, mobile) => 
           Person(name: name, mobile: mobile));