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Trying to accurately get 100 digits of pi with Chudnovsky's algorithm in PYTHON

I am trying to teach myself Chudnovsky's algorithm using Python and this wikipedia page:

On the wiki, I am focused on the "high performance iterative implementation, [that] can be simplified to":

enter image description here

I tried to code up the equation on the far right that is using the Sigma symbol. I am familiar with Python but am not that great at math. The goal I set for myself is to see if I can accurately print out at least 100 digits of pi.

There are 5 sets of parentheses in the formula so I tried to code up each of the 5 different components. I also wrote a function that does factorials because factorials are used in 3 of the 5 components/parentheses.

Here's my 23 lines of working code, can someone please help me understand why it does not ACCURATELY go to 100 digits? It accurately goes to the 28th digit: 3.1415926535897932384626433832. Then for the 29th digit it says 8 but it should be 7...

import math
from decimal import *

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    memory = n
    for i in range(1, n):
        memory *= i
    return memory

iterations = 500
_sum = 0

#here's the Sigma part
for q in range(0, iterations):
    a = factorial(6*q)
    b = (545140134*q) + 13591409
    c = factorial(3*q)
    d = (factorial(q))**3
    e = (-262537412640768000)**q
    numerator = (a*b)
    denominator = (c*d*e)

    _sum += Decimal(numerator / denominator)

#ensures that you get 100 digits for pi
getcontext().prec = 100

sq = Decimal(10005).sqrt()
overPI = Decimal(426880 * sq)

pi = (overPI) * (Decimal(1 / _sum))
print("Pi is", pi)

Thank you for any assistance that you're able to provide.


    • Set the decimal precision at the start of the file so that it is applied to all subsequent operations:

      from decimal import *
      getcontext().prec = 100 
    • Convert either or both operands to Decimal before dividing or multiplying:

      # bad, float to decimal -> loss of precision
      _sum += Decimal(numerator / denominator)
      # better, precision preserved
      _sum += Decimal(numerator) / Decimal(denominator) 

    Result - accurate to 98 d.p. (100 s.f. minus rounding error):

    #     3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
    Pi is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117069