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How to listen to EditContext.NotifyFieldChanged event?

I have component which is wrapped around EditForm with the model set. EditForm contains in turn some components based on InputBase.

On change InbutBase triggers event EditContext.NotifyFieldChanged but I fail to spot connection between this event and EditForm. I already tried to listen to "onChange" on EditForm -- nothing.

So how to listen to this event?

I would like to listen to single event from entire form rather than listening to multiple events coming from multiple inputs within form.


  • I found the way -- I made the class managing the model IDisposable and added constructor:

    public Markers()
      this.editContext = new EditContext(this);
      this.editContext.OnFieldChanged += EditContextOnOnFieldChanged;
    public void Dispose()
      this.editContext.OnFieldChanged -= EditContextOnOnFieldChanged;
    private void EditContextOnOnFieldChanged(object? sender, FieldChangedEventArgs e)

    then instead of setting Model for EditForm I set EditContext which I just created.

    A bit twisted because I thought it will be possible to do solely within markup but I will live :-).