Friends try anyway but it is not being possible to click on the Gestão de Materiais Menu item. One situation I need is to scroll this menu to view and click on the item menu. But I'm not sure why he is clicking on the menu item below I tried using SitePrism and pure capybara but it is not possible. When it runs, it is clicking on Gestao de Empresas
capybara: find(:xpath, "//div[contains(text(),'Gestão de Materiais')]" ).click find(:xpath, '//*[@id="TBB_tbm2"]/div[3]/div[2]').click
site Prism:
element :item_mn_gestao_materiais, :xpath, "//div[contains(text(),'Gestão de Materiais')]"
element :item_mn_gestao_materais, :css, '#TBB_tbm2 img[src*=articoli64]'
def cadastra_diametro_material_ativo
Menu Principal
Modulo Básico
Gestão Instalações
Gestão de Materiais
There is no point in trying Capybara and SitePrism, SitePrism uses capybara so if capybaras click doesn't work for you then SitePrism isn't going to either.
Given the visible info, if I was writing this I'd write
find('#TBB_tbm2 > div', text: 'Gestão de Materiais').click
following the two rules
beyond that it's impossible to go any further with the current information