i have an int linked list, and a function called filter which receives a list and a condition function. The filter function goes through the nodes in the list and if the condition is true, it adds it to a new list.
I've created this so that it filters the list through a number i choose to be divided by while the program is running, but it uses a global int, is there an alternative without changing the function filter, I've thought about making it call for a function to be called once to setup the number but didn't succeed,
static int choosenDividedBy = 1;
static bool dividedBy(int n);
int main() {
Queue<int> q4;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
std::cout << "Choose a number to divide by:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> choosenDividedBy;
q4 = filter(q4, dividedBy);
for (Queue<int>::Iterator i = q4.begin(); i != q4.end(); ++i) {
std::cout << *i << std::endl;
return 0;
static bool dividedBy(int n) {
return (n % choosenDividedBy) == 0;
Edit: filter
template<class T>
Queue<T> filter(const Queue<T>& queue, bool (*condition)(T)) {
Queue<T> newQueue;
for(typename Queue<T>::ConstIterator i = queue.begin();i != queue.end();++i) {
try {
if(condition(*i)) {
} catch(typename Queue<T>::ConstIterator::InvalidOperation& exception) {
throw exception;
return newQueue;
You would create a a filter class that has a normal (non-static) member that stores your int
and has the filter
method you also have.