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Azure Container Apps Restarts every 30 seconds

I have an Azure Container App that's based on the hosted BackgroundService model. It's essentially just a long running console app that overrides the BackgroundService.ExecuteAsync method and waits for the stop signal (via the passed cancellation token). When I run locally in Docker, it's perfect - everything runs as expected. When I deploy as an Azure Container App, it deploys and runs - although I manually had to set the scale minimum to 1 to get it to run at all - but it restarts every 30 secs or so which is obviously not ideal. My guess is that the Azure Container Apps docker host is somehow checking my instance for health and isn't satisfied so tries to restart it? Just a guess. What am I missing?

using FR911.DataAccess.Repository;
using FR911.Infrastructure.Commands;
using FR911.Utils;
using FR911.Utils.Extensions;
using SimpleInjector;

IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
        services.AddTransient<ICommandProcessor, CommandProcessor>();
        Container container = new Container();
        container.Register(typeof(ICommandHandler<,>), new List<Type>()



await host.RunAsync();
    public class Worker : BackgroundService
        private readonly ILogger<Worker> _logger;
        private ICommandProcessor _commandProcessor;

        public Worker(ILogger<Worker> logger, ICommandProcessor cmdProcessor)
            _logger = logger;            
            _commandProcessor = cmdProcessor;
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            _logger.LogInformation("Worker starting at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);

            DateTime? lastGC = null;
            while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
                await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);
            _logger.LogInformation("Worker stopping at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
24 May 2022 12:10:46.5732022-05-24 12:10:46,248 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker starting at: 05/24/2022 12:10:46 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:46.5732022-05-24 12:10:46,249 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:46 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:46.5732022-05-24 12:10:46,251 Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
24 May 2022 12:10:46.5732022-05-24 12:10:46,252 Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Hosting environment: Production
24 May 2022 12:10:46.5732022-05-24 12:10:46,336 Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Content root path: /app
24 May 2022 12:10:47.6402022-05-24 12:10:47,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:47 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:48.6402022-05-24 12:10:48,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:48 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:49.6392022-05-24 12:10:49,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:49 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:50.6432022-05-24 12:10:50,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:50 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:51.6422022-05-24 12:10:51,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:51 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:52.6412022-05-24 12:10:52,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:52 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:53.6622022-05-24 12:10:53,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:53 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:54.6402022-05-24 12:10:54,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:54 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:55.6382022-05-24 12:10:55,636 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:55 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:56.6392022-05-24 12:10:56,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:56 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:57.6402022-05-24 12:10:57,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:57 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:58.6402022-05-24 12:10:58,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:58 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:10:59.6402022-05-24 12:10:59,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:10:59 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:00.6402022-05-24 12:11:00,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:00 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:01.6432022-05-24 12:11:01,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:01 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:02.6392022-05-24 12:11:02,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:02 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:03.6402022-05-24 12:11:03,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:03 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:04.6412022-05-24 12:11:04,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:04 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:05.6492022-05-24 12:11:05,636 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:05 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:06.6642022-05-24 12:11:06,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:06 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:07.6392022-05-24 12:11:07,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:07 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:08.6402022-05-24 12:11:08,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:08 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:09.6402022-05-24 12:11:09,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:09 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:10.6412022-05-24 12:11:10,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:10 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:11.6392022-05-24 12:11:11,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:11 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:12.6402022-05-24 12:11:12,637 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:12 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:13.6402022-05-24 12:11:13,638 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:13 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:14.6392022-05-24 12:11:14,636 FR911.Worker.Worker fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Worker running at: 05/24/2022 12:11:14 +00:00
24 May 2022 12:11:14.9312022-05-24 12:11:14,930 Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime fr911worker-app-20--vki2kmn-cf5bff474-5w6mh INFO Application is shutting down...


  • I'm an Engineering Manager in Container Apps.

    Your Container App was being restarted because it was failing the readiness probes.

    If your Container App’s HTTP ingress is set to ‘Enabled’, the platform will try to ping it on the specified Target port (80 by default). If the platform can’t successfully ping it, it will be considered 'unhealthy' and will be restarted. Please refer to Health probes in Azure Container Apps to learn about the default health probes and how to specify your own settings.

    If your Container App is not listening in the specified ingress port (for example, if your app is processing messages from a queue and not expecting external http requests) set HTTP ingress to ‘Disabled’. When HTTP ingress is set to ‘Disabled’, health probes won't be configured, and your app won't be pinged.

    If your Container App is listening on the specified Targe port, but it requires a longer startup time, you can define a longer initial delay and/or longer period between pings.

    Also, make sure that the Target port specified in the HTTP configuration is the same that is EXPOSEd in the dockerfile of your Container App