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How to restart specific running python file Ubuntu

I have running python file "cepusender/" (and another python files). How can I restart/kill only file?


  • Here's a way (there are many):

    ps -ef | grep 'cepusender/' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
    • ps is the process snapshot command. -e prints every process on the system, and -f prints the full-format listing, which, germanely, includes the command line arguments of each process.
    • grep prints lines matching a pattern. We first grep for your file, which will match both the python process and the grep process. We then grep -v (invert match) for grep, paring output down to just the python process.

    Output now looks like the following:

    user      77864   68024  0 13:53 pts/4    00:00:00 python
    • Next, we use awk to pull out just the second column of the output, which is the process ID or PID.
    • Finally we use xargs to pass the PID to kill, which asks the python process to shutdown gracefully.