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How to combine 3 reducers into one mainReducer and register it in Module using StoreModule.forFeature()

I have 3 objects implementing 3 different interfaces that I'm managing theirs states with ngrx (latest versions). The reducers are defined as: loginReducer, PrsnlReducer and userReducer. I'm handling the PrsnlReducer and the userReducer as ngrx entities because I want to take advantage of the ngrx entity build-in actions, and I handle the loginReducer with basic reducer concept (Not as an entity). These are the three:


const initialState: AuthStateInterface = {
    isSubmitting: false,
    user_code: '',
    token: '',
    userId : '',
const logReducer = createReducer(
    (state: AuthStateInterface): AuthStateInterface => ({
    isSubmitting: true

export function loginReducers( state: AuthStateInterface, action: Action){
    return logReducer(state, action)


export interface State extends EntityState<userStateInterface> {
export const adapter: EntityAdapter<userStateInterface> = createEntityAdapter<userStateInterface>();
export const initialState: State = adapter.getInitialState({
const usrReducer = createReducer(
  on(UserActions.addUser, (state, { user }) => {
    return adapter.addOne(user, state)
  on(UserActions.setUser, (state, { user }) => {
    return adapter.setOne(user, state)
export function userReducer(state: State | undefined, action: Action) {
  return usrReducer(state, action);


export interface State extends EntityState<prsnlStateInterface > {
  // additional entities state properties
  selectedUserId: number | null;
export const adapter: EntityAdapter<prsnlStateInterface > = createEntityAdapter<prsnlStateInterface >();
export const initialState: State = adapter.getInitialState({
  // additional entity state properties
  selectedUserId: null,
const persnlReducer = createReducer(
  on(PrsnlActions.addPrsnl, (state, { prsnl }) => {
    return adapter.addOne(prsnl, state)

export function prsnlReducer(state: State | undefined, action: Action) {
  return persnlReducer(state, action);

Now I want to combine the 3 reducers into a single mainReducer in order to register it with the StoreModule.forFeature() inside my auth module. Because the ngrx combineReducer documentation is too succint to help, all I could do in the mainReducer.ts is as bellow:


import * as fromLogin from 'src/app/auth/store/reducers/loginReducers';
import * as fromPrsnl from 'src/app/auth/store/reducers/prsnlReducer';
import * as fromUser from 'src/app/auth/store/reducers/userReducer';
export interface AuthModuleState {
    login: AuthStateInterface
    prsnl: prsnlStateInterface
    user: userStateInterface

export interface State {
    authModule: AuthModuleState;    

export const mainReducer = {    
    login: fromLogin,
    prsnl: fromPrsnl,
    user: fromUser

export const selectAuthModuleState = createFeatureSelector<AuthModuleState>('authModule');

export const selectLoginState = createSelector(
    selectAuthModuleState, (state: AuthModuleState) => state.login

Then I register the mainReducer.ts in the authModule with

StoreModule.forFeature('auth', mainReducer),

But visual studio errors out "that No overload matches this call" as you can see on screenshot: enter image description here

How can I then combine the 3 reducers properly and register them in module for use ? Or is there any better way to handle such goal ? I will really appreciate your help to solve this empedement. Thanks in advance.


  • If you want to centralize your reducers into one source of truth then use combineReducers() available in angular. You can adapt it to your case like this

    export interface AuthModuleState {
        login: any
        prsnl: any
        user: any
    export const mainReducer:AuthModuleState = {    
        login: fromLogin.loginReducer,
        prsnl: fromPrsnl.prsnlReducer,
        user: fromUser.userReducer
    const combineReducer = combineReducers(mainReducer)
    export function reducer(state:any, action:any){
      return combineReducer(state, action);

    Then you just use the exported reducer in module as you already did with forFeature.

    StoreModule.forFeature('auth', reducer),