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How to transfer data from one class to another class in Laravel?

Currently I am authorizing the Amadeus API and receiving an access token through a service class, i.e. Amadeus\Client . There are several API endpoints for multiple functions, so I want to maintain separate classes for separate endpoints. Each endpoint requires access token to process the request. How can I transfer the authorization token form the Amadeus\Client to Amadeus\FlightOffersSearch so I can pass the access token into the headers of the endpoint. Please can someone help me here?


class Client
    public function __construct(
        protected string $uri,
        protected string $client_id,
        protected string $client_secret,
        protected string $grant_type,
    ) {}

    public function authorization() {

        $uri = $this->uri;
        $auth_data = array(
            'client_id' => $this->client_id,
            'client_secret' => $this->client_secret,
            'grant_type' =>  $this->grant_type

        $requests_response = Http::asForm()->post($uri, $auth_data);
        $response_body = json_decode($requests_response->body());
        $access_token = $response_body->access_token;

        return $access_token;


class Flight
    public function get_flight() {

            $endpoint = '';
            $travel_data = array(
                'originLocationCode' => 'BOS',
                'destinationLocationCode' => 'PAR',
                'departureDate' => '2022-06-14',
                'adults' => 2
            $params = http_build_query($travel_data);
            $url = $endpoint.'?'.$params;
            $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$access_token);


  • This is more PHP specific than Laravel. I suggest you make the client a singleton class where you encapsulate all the authentication logic and just get the client instance when you need it using a static method.

    I also highly recommend using GuzzleHttp for HTTP client.

    Something like this draft.

    namespace App;
    use GuzzleHttp\Client;
    class AmadeusClient
        private static $instance;
        private $client;
        private $token;
        public function __construct()
            throw_if(static::$instance, 'There should be only one instance of this class');
            static::$instance = $this;
            $this->client = new Client([
                'base_uri' => '',
        private function authenticate()
            if (!$this->token) {
                $client_id = env('api_client_id');
                $client_secret = env('api_client_secret');
                $grant_type = env('api_grant_type$a');
                $this->token = ''; // TODO: get authorization token using $this->client;
        public static function getInstance()
            return static::$instance ?: (new static());
        public function get($uri, array $options = [])
            return $this->client->get($uri, $options);
        public function post($uri, array $options = [])
            return $this->client->post($uri, $options);

    You would then use it like this:

    $client = AmadeusClient::getInstance();
    $client->get('shopping/flight-offers', $options);