I'm having issues with Puppeteer, I am trying to type in a textbox that is in an IFrame. I have created a simple repo with a code snippet, this one contains an IFrame with a tweet from Twitter.
await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultChromiumRevision);
var launchOptions = new LaunchOptions
Headless = false,
DefaultViewport = null
launchOptions.Args = new[] { "--disable-web-security", "--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process" };
ChromeDriver = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(launchOptions);
page = await ChromeDriver.NewPageAsync();
await page.GoToAsync(Url, new NavigationOptions { WaitUntil = new WaitUntilNavigation[] { WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle0 } });
var selectorIFrame = "#twitter_iframe";
var frameElement1 = await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(selectorIFrame);
var frame1 = await frameElement1.ContentFrameAsync();
var frameContent1 = await frame1.GetContentAsync();
var frame1 = await frameElement1.ContentFrameAsync();
fails with Frame # not found
, see image with error below.
Try to disable some of the security features that can be disabled when launching puppeteer.
Check in puppeteer chrome://flags/ in case there's something blocking iframe access, maybe is insecure content or maybe you have to be explicit about isolation trial.
My 2 cents on this, it should allow it to access it from non secure
Args = new[]