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Handeling passing of Sql connection used in multiple classes

I am using a Sql-connection to create a temporary table and perform DML operations on it. The temporary table act as a staging area, for preparation of data to be loaded into a data warehouse. I am using a using statement, to properly dispose of the Sql-connection after the program finishes (or fails), like the following:

using IDbConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
sqlCon.Execute("SELECT 5 AS Number INTO ##TempTable");
sqlCon.Execute("INSERT INTO ##TempTable SELECT 10 AS Number");       

In reality my queries are more complex than this and takes some effort to prepare. I would like to divide the associated work into more than one class, to work in an object-oriented fashion. That could be done by creating the following classing :

public class TableCreator
    private IDbConnection SqlCon { get; set; }
    public TableCreator(IDbConnection conn)
        SqlCon = conn;

    public void CreateTable()
        sqlCon.Execute("SELECT 5 AS Number INTO ##TempTable");

public class DataInserter
    private IDbConnection SqlCon { get; set; }
    public DataInserter(IDbConnection conn)
        SqlCon = conn;

    public void InsertData()
        sqlCon.Execute("INSERT INTO ##TempTable SELECT 10 AS Number");

In the main method I can then simply instantiate these classes and run their methods like this:

using IDbConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
TableCreator creator = new TableCreator(sqlCon);
DataInserter inserter = new DataInserter (sqlCon);

This makes the code clean, and easy to read. But it's probably not a good idea to be passing open connections into other classes or methods. There probably exists a better way to achieve the same.

I hope that any of you can give me some advice on this challenge. Is there a way that I can split the execute commands into separate classes, without passing the connection around as a parameter?


  • I ended up creating a static class to hold the Sql-connection, since it can be reached from everywhere.

    public static class SqlConnector
        public static IDbConnection SqlCon { get; set; }

    Then I can rewrite the TableCreator class, to longer hold a Sql-connection like this:

    public class TableCreator
        public void CreateTable()
            SqlConnector.SqlCon.Execute("SELECT 5 AS Number INTO ##TempTable");

    And I can rewrite the main method like this:

    TableCreator creator = new TableCreator();
    DataInserter inserter = new DataInserter();
    SqlConnector.SqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
    using IDbConnection SqlCon = SqlConnector.SqlCon;