I have 2 arrays in my request data. One contains included products, other - excluded. You can't use both at the same time. So i have such HTML:
<input [formControl]="this.exclude$ ? excludedFormControl : includedFormControl>
<mat-slide-toggle (change)="excludeChange($event.checked)"></mat-slide-toggle>
Here is my TS:
exclude$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
currentFilter = {
productsSection: {
includedIds: [],
excludedIds: [],
includedFormControl: FormControl = new FormControl(
this.currentFilter.productsSection.includedIds ? this.currentFilter.productsSection.includedIds : [],
excludedFormControl : FormControl = new FormControl(
this.currentFilter.productsSection.excludedIds? this.currentFilter.productsSection.excludedIds: [],
excludeChange(value: boolean): void {
includedIds: [],
excludedIds: [],
showFormValue() {
Problem: When i slide the toggle the excludeChange gets called, but the input still writed the data into the includedIds, ignoring the slider.
I think you have to subscribe from the exclude$
<input [formControl]="excluded ? excludedFormControl : includedFormControl">
In component.ts file, you have to define excluded
excluded = false;
this.exclude$.subscribe(res => {
this.excluded = res;