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How to filter users based on several criteria in Powershell when using Get-AdUser

I have a question that I was hoping someone could help me with, please. I am trying to get a list of users who meet this criteria using get-adusers:

AD field “department” in ('Sales & Admin - All', 'Field - Support','HKLM - All', 'SOD - 1','Home - 1080') AND AD field "title” in ('Client Manager', 'Local Sales', 'Outside Sales, 'Region Manager', 'Deployment Manager')

  • “title” can have another value appended after it is separated by a "-" i.e. “Client Coordinator - Consulting/Solution“. I also need to get rid of/filter that list further of any other Titles that have "- " in their name.

I've got to this point so far, but not sure how to go further. I also don't get all matches for my departments because its looking for an exact match from the include arrays:

Import-Module activedirectory
$count = 0
$include_department = @("Sales & Admin - All ","Field - Support", "HKLM - All", "SOD - 1", "Home - 1080")
$include_title = @("Client Manager", "Local Sales", "Outside Sales", "Region Manager", "Deployment Manager")
$exclude_title = @("- ")
$users = Get-ADUser -filter * -properties Department, Title, SamAccountName | 
    Where-Object {
        ($_.Department -match ('(' + [string]::Join(')|(', $include_department) + ')')) -and 
        ($_.Title -match ('(' + [string]::Join(')|(', $include_title) + ')')) -and
        ($_.Department -notcontains "- ")
$users | Out-File -FilePath C:\it\file.txt


  • As Abraham pointed out in his helpful comment, you can do the filtering using exclusively the AD Filter / LDAP Filter.

    Here is a -LDAPFilter alternative:

    $map = @{
        department = @(
            'Sales & Admin - All'
            'Field - Support'
            'HKLM - All'
            'SOD - 1'
            'Home - 1080'
        title = @(
            'Client Manager'
            'Local Sales'
            'Outside Sales'
            'Region Manager'
            'Deployment Manager'
    $ldapfilter = "(&"
    foreach($key in $map.Keys) {
        $clause = "(|"
        foreach($value in $map[$key]) {
            $clause += "($key=$value)"
        $clause += ")"
        $ldapfilter += $clause
    $ldapfilter += ")"
    Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $ldapfilter -Properties Department, Title, SamAccountName |
        Export-Csv path\to\export.csv -NoTypeInformation

    The title filter is an exact match of each clause, hence the "get rid of / filter that list further of any other Titles that have - in their name" should be covered.

    The generated LDAP String would look like this after formatting for readability:

           (department=Sales & Admin - All)
           (department=Field - Support)
           (department=HKLM - All)
           (department=SOD - 1)
           (department=Home - 1080)
           (title=Client Manager)
           (title=Local Sales)
           (title=Outside Sales)
           (title=Region Manager)
           (title=Deployment Manager)