I am trying to upload Arduino sensors data(DHT11, BMP180, Rain sensor) to MySQL server using python. But There is no effect on table in mysql server. here is python code
import serial
import MySQLdb
import time
import mysql.connector
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", password = "", database = "climate predictive analysis") or die ("could not connect to database")
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
device = 'COM4'
print ("Trying...", device)
arduino = serial.Serial(port = device, baudrate = 9600)
print ("Failed to connect on", device)
while True:
data = arduino.readline()
print (data)
pieces = data.split(" ")
mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO sensors_data (Rain, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (pieces[0], pieces[1], pieces[2], pieces[3]))
mydb.commit() #commit the insert
mycursor.close() #close the cursor
except MySQLdb.IntegrityError:
print ("failed to insert data")
## finally:
## cursor.close() #close just incase it failed
print ("Failed to get data from Arduino!")
sensors data is in this form
Rain Temp Hum Pres
0 31 60 985
0 31 60 985
0 31 60 985
0 31 60 985
0 31 61 985
1 31 61 985
0 31 61 985
0 31 61 985
0 31 61 985
The 'b'
at the beginning means that it is a byte array - rather than a string.
The \r\n
are the characters to indicate the end of the line.
The arduino encodes and sends the strings in ASCII - where each byte is used to hold a single character. You need to convert this into a python unicode string (where more than one byte can represent a single character) before calling string operations.
It's failing on the data.split()
Try changing your code to:
data = arduino.readline()
data = data.decode('ascii')
and it should get to the mysql code.