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backpackforlaravel: how can we override login controller to integrate 2fa?

Actually the magnificent piece of software called backpack for laravel cannot handle natively the 2fa auth, for now, at may of 2022.

We would like to add to your project this package:

To be able to integrate with backpack for laravel we must override the login controller of backpack

How can we do it?


  • As much I would like to have everything integrated with Backpack, unfortunatelly time/money/tech does not allow us to do that. I really hope sometime I can dedicate more of my time to this "goodies" (2fa, graphQL etc etc).

    For now, we've just added a simple way for people that don't want to use the default backpack auth to disable it and implemente their own auth mechanism if needed.

    Don't stop on this tag (customizing the auth controllers), later down on that page there is more info about auth that could help you here.

    If you need my help with something you know where to find me.
