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Lodash replacement for a JS check operation to set value

I have been using some code to check the value for a input field which is present at index:1 of an array. It is as below

const inputValue=journeyData && journeyData.birthdate && journeyData.birthdate[0]
          ? journeyData.birthdate[0]
          : null, 

Is there a lodash replacement for the same thing which makes it shorted to write ?


  • You can use _.get() which allows specifying a path and also a fallback. If the path cannot be reached on the object, you get the default value:

    function test(journeyData) {
      const inputValue = _.get(journeyData, "birthdate[0]", null);
      return inputValue;
    console.log( test() );                    // null
    console.log( test({}) );                  // null
    console.log( test({ birthdate: [] }) );   // null
    console.log( test({ birthdate: [42] }) ); // 42
    <script src="[email protected]/lodash.min.js"></script>