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Compacting Microsoft Access Database without using DAO

I use the CDatabase class to open a ACCDB Access database. The driver is: _T("Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)").

I can open and use the database OK (have done so for many years):

if (DatabaseExist(m_strMDBPath))
    // AJT v10.5.0 Take into account the DB mode
    strDriver = GetJETDriverEx(bAccDbMode);

    // AJT v10.5.0 Take into account the DB password (decrypted!)
        (LPCTSTR)strDriver, (LPCTSTR)m_strMDBPath,

        //OutputDebugString(L"DB Open - Begin\n");
        if (m_Database.OpenEx(strDBConnectString, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog))
            //OutputDebugString(L"DB Open - End\n");
    catch (CDBException* e)
        // If a database exception occurred, show error msg
        AfxMessageBox(L"Database error: " + e->m_strError);

I have an issue with compacting the database programmatically. Previously I was using DAO:


But that required the Access 2013 Runtime to be installed. And I don't want to install it anymore because I have Access 2016 installed on my PC.

The code that did the compacting used the DBEngine command:

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao.DBEngine objDbEngine = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao.DBEngine();

But now I need a new way to compact the database as I no longer have the DAO reference. The end users might not have Access 2016 installed but I would tell them to install the Access 2016 runtime.

What alternative can I use to programatically compact this ACCDB in my MFC project?

Note that I have an underlying C# .Net DLL tool so I can add any such Compacting to that C# library if it is easier than C++.

This is how I did it before with DAO which needed 2013 runtime:

I have tried this:

#pragma once
#import "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\root\\Office16\\ACEDAO.DLL" named_guids rename("EOF", "ACEDAO_EOF")  

static void Test(CString strDB, CString strDbCompacted)
    DAO::_DBEngine* pDBEngine = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DAO::DBEngine), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID*)&pDBEngine);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pDBEngine)
        _bstr_t bstrDatabase = strDB.AllocSysString();
        _bstr_t bstrDatabaseCompacted = strDbCompacted.AllocSysString();
            pDBEngine->CompactDatabase(bstrDatabase, bstrDatabaseCompacted, L";pwd=xxx");
        catch (_com_error& e)
            _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source());
            _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description());
            WCHAR wsBuffer[255];
            wsprintf(wsBuffer, L"Source : %s\nDescription : %s", (LPCTSTR)bstrSource, (LPCTSTR)bstrDescription);
            MessageBox(NULL, wsBuffer, L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);

But it fails and does not even get to the catch handler.

I am just looking for a simple way to support compact, change password for the MDB and ACCDB ... I even tried adding the acedao.dll as a reference to a C# console project and it would not accept it.

I tried to use late binding, as referred to in the comments. This is the function:

public void CompactAccessDatabase(string strSourceDB, string strTargetDB, string strPassword)
        dynamic dbEngine = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("DAO.DbEngine"));

        string strDecryptedPassword = "";
            if (!DecryptDatabasePassword(strPassword, ref strDecryptedPassword))
                SimpleLog.Log("DecryptDatabasePassword returned false");
            strDecryptedPassword = "pwd=" + strDecryptedPassword;
        dbEngine.CompactDatabase(strSourceDB, strTargetDB, null, null, strDecryptedPassword);
    catch (Exception ex)

But I am getting an exception:

<LogEntry Date="2022-05-26 13:06:49" Severity="Exception" Source="MSAToolsLibrary.MSAToolsLibraryClass.CompactAccessDatabase" ThreadId="1">
  <Exception Type="System.ArgumentNullException" Source="System.Activator.CreateInstance">
    <Message>Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type</Message>
    <StackTrace>   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
   at MSAToolsLibrary.MSAToolsLibraryClass.CompactAccessDatabase(String strSourceDB, String strTargetDB, String strPassword) in D:\My Programs\2022\MSAToolsLibrary\MSAToolsLibrary\MSAToolsLibraryClass.cs:line 1649</StackTrace>


  • Based on the comments and the principle referred to in a linked answer I was eventually able to come up with this code with works for my 64 bit build:

    public void CompactAccessDatabase(string strSourceDB, string strTargetDB, string strPassword)
            dynamic dbEngine = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("DAO.DBEngine.120"));
            string strDecryptedPassword = "";
            string strDBConnectionString = "";
                if (!DecryptDatabasePassword(strPassword, ref strDecryptedPassword))
                    SimpleLog.Log("DecryptDatabasePassword returned false");
                strDBConnectionString = ";pwd=" + strDecryptedPassword;
            dbEngine.CompactDatabase(strSourceDB, strTargetDB, null, null, strDBConnectionString);
        catch (Exception ex)