I am trying to code the Chudnovsky algorithm in python. However, when I run my code, it gives me a very small number (-5.051212624421025e-55) which is not pi. I am in middle school, and I don't know anybody that can help me. What am I doing wrong?
Here is a link to the Chudnovsky formula: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/generating-the-value-of-pi-to-a-known-number-of-decimals-places-in-python-e93986bb474d
Here is my code:
import math
def fact(exi):
memory = exi
for i in range(1, exi):
memory *= i
return memory
k = 10
s = 0
for i in range(0, k):
a = -1^k
b = fact(6*k)
c = (545140134*k) + 13591409
d = fact(3*k)
e = (fact(k))^3
f = (3 * k) + 3/2
g = math.pow(640320, f)
numerator = (a*b*c)
denominator = (d*e*f)
s += (numerator / denominator)
s *= 12
print(1 / s)
Here is my updated code:
import math
def fact(exi):
memory = exi
for i in range(1, exi):
memory *= i
return memory
k = 17
s = 0
for i in range(1, k):
a = (-1)**i
b = fact(6*i)
c = (545140134*i) + 13591409
d = fact(3*i)
e = (fact(i))**3
f = (3 * i) + 3/2
g = math.pow(640320, f)
num = (a*b*c)
den = (d*e*g)
s += (num / den)
s *= 12
print(1 / s)
I see two mistakes:
When comparing with the formula shown on Wikipedia, it looks like you should use the iteration variable i
(named q in the formula) where you currently use k
in the loop. In your code k
is the upper bound for i
The exponentiation operator in Python is **
, not ^
(which is bitwise XOR).