I have a list of 3 lists, each with an equal number of dataframes, 32, to be precise, and I wish to rbind
them across the lists element-wise. To give a simpler example, suppose you have one list with 2 lists, each with 2 dataframes, like this:
x y
1 a 11
2 b 12
3 c 13
x y
1 a 14
2 b 15
3 c 16
x y
1 a 17
2 b 18
3 c 19
x y
1 a 21
2 b 22
3 c 23
given by:
A <- data.frame(c("a","b","c"), c(11,12,13))
B <- data.frame(c("a","b","c"), c(14,15,16))
C <- data.frame(c("a","b","c"), c(17,18,19))
D <- data.frame(c("a","b","c"), c(21,21,23))
L1 <- list(A,B)
L2 <- list(C,D)
L <- list(L1,L2)
How can I rbind
the dataframes across the 2 lists element-wise, such that the final output
x y
1 a 11
2 b 12
3 c 13
4 a 17
5 b 18
6 c 19
x y
1 a 14
2 b 15
3 c 16
4 a 21
5 b 21
6 c 23
In this example, I could just output <- list(rbind(A,C),rbind(B,D))
But I want to do it for a much larger list of lists of dataframes
One could just use transpose
from purrr
output <- lapply(purrr::transpose(L),
function(l) do.call(rbind, args = l))