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polyline.encode strange format

I am working with the polyline of google, I would like to give a set of coordinates and generate the correct polyline and viceversa. In particular in the end i would like to url encode the result (the polyline). When I insert a polyline like:

code = '%28%28akntGkozv%40kcCka%40us%40y%7BDfvAm%7BBnuCj_Aus%40fzG%29%29'

I use the polyline package:, and first I decode the polyline in order to see the coordinates:

coordinates = polyline.decode(code)
>> [(3e-05, -0.0001), (-0.0001, -7e-05), (-0.0002, -0.0002), (45.46221, 35.36626), (45.4621, 35.36617), (45.48328, 35.39727), (45.48317, 35.39718), (45.5172, 35.39707), (45.51711, 35.39816), (45.51723, 35.39814), (45.5172, 35.38418), (45.51823, 35.3843), (45.51821, 35.38428), (45.49413, 35.37398), (45.52816, 35.37387), (45.52807, 35.32855), (45.5281, 35.32845), (45.52823, 35.32848), (45.52813, 35.32861)]

and everything here is fine, the problems comes when I try to encode the coordinates back to the polyline (which is my ultimate goal since in the end i would like to give some coordinates and obtain the corresponding polyline)

new_code = polyline.encode(coordinates)

Which is slightly different from the original and if put back in the url it doesnt work!

So my question here are:

  1. what kind of encoding is new_code? I have tried to encode it in percentage url using urllib.parse.quote(new_code) but the result is exactly the same, maybe I neeed to specify some particular encoding style but i didnt found anything.

  2. The polyline that I used is a square inside the city of Milan (so only 4 points, maximum 5, are required to identify this area), but the coordinates results from the polyline.decode gives me back a list with 19 points with coordinates that are not even close to the city of Milan. Why?


  • Ok so basically all of my problems came from the fact that the string i was considering: %28%28akntGkozv%40kcCka%40us%40y%7BDfvAm%7BBnuCj_Aus%40fzG%29%29 contains %28%28 and %29%29 which are not part of the polyline but are simply two (( and )) inserted by the particular url of the site I was using. A simple replace and an encode return the correct polyline:

    code = '%28%28akntGkozv%40kcCka%40us%40y%7BDfvAm%7BBnuCj_Aus%40fzG%29%29'
    code = code.replace('%28', '').replace('%29', '')
    code = urllib.parse.unquote(code)
    >> irotG_hzv@woBmE}i@yjE`oBwkDf|ChRhMzeG}~BxcB

    Which infact, if put inside the polyline.decode returns exactly the coordinates that I have used:

    coordinates = polyline.decode(code)
    >> [(45.46869, 9.15088), (45.48673, 9.15191), (45.4936, 9.18452), (45.47567, 9.21216), (45.45051, 9.20907), (45.44822, 9.16701), (45.46869, 9.15088)]

    Which are exactly 7 (now i have changed the shape so a sixtagon instead of a square) and points exactly in the city of Milan