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Api calling in loop sending different id in url each time

So I tried the available solution provided online but I don't know where I am making a mistake. I am suppose to get the ids in an array that I am getting in response from an api and pass those ids in a loop to other api to get the response of each id for this I have written the below code.

Scenario Outline : Fetching booking details of ids via checkin/check out parameter
  Given url ''
  And params { checkin : 2016-01-16, checkout : 2020-07-10 }
  When method GET
  Then status 200
  And match response == '#notnull'
  * def value = response
  * def ids =, function(value){ var i = 0; var id = value[i].bookingid; i++; return id; })
  And print 'Ids are' , ids
  Given path ''
  And path '<ids>'
  * header Accept = 'application/json'
  When method GET
  Then status 200

  | ids |

Its giving the error

javax.script.ScriptException: TypeError: Cannot get property "bookingid" of null in <eval> at line number 1

I am able to get the specific booking id in a variable by using


But in a loop I am getting error. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • First, please read the docs. Second, please don't write JS loops by hand, you never need to in Karate:

    Since you have a few misconceptions about Karate, I've re-written your test below. I leave it to you as an exercise to study how it works. The part you should refer in the docs is this:

    Feature: using a response json array to loop
        * def urlBase = ''
      Scenario: get a list of booking ids
        * url urlBase
        * params { checkin: '2020-01-01', checkout: '2021-01-01' }
        * method get
        * status 200
        * match each response == { bookingid: '#number' }
        # loop over all ids returned and get booking
        * call read('@called') response
      @ignore @called
        * url urlBase
        * path bookingid
        * header Accept = 'application/json'
        * method get
        * status 200
        * match response contains { firstname: '#string', lastname: '#string' }

    You can use a Scenario Outline if you really want, but I don't advise it for this particular flow.