I want to remove the first 6 columns containing blanks of this text file sample.txt
2022-05-26 Mary Jane
foo bar
2022-05-27 Tom Powels
lorem ipsum
bar foo
2022-05-28 Honky Tonk
2022-05-28 Hill Billy
by linux shell scripting, e.g. by using sed
, awk
and/or cut
Hence the expected output is
2022-05-26 Mary Jane
foo bar
2022-05-27 Tom Powels
lorem ipsum
bar foo
2022-05-28 Honky Tonk
2022-05-28 Hill Billy
I've searched in SE, but only found solutions to remove all blanks at the beginning of each line, e.g.
$ sed 's/^ *//' sample.txt > output.txt
which results in this file
2022-05-26 Mary Jane
foo bar
2022-05-27 Tom Powels
lorem ipsum
bar foo
2022-05-28 Honky Tonk
2022-05-28 Hill Billy
where the formatting of the columns is lost.
Unfortunately this call of sed
$ sed 's/^ {6}//' sample.txt > output.txt
doesn't work.
Hence how could I remove the first 6 columns containing blanks by linux shell scripting?
sed -E 's/^ {6}//' sample.txt > output.txt
awk '{gsub(/^ {6}/,""); print > "output.txt"}' sample.txt