My goal is super simple, I just want to fill a webpage using .vbs and I did almost all, only remains the dropdown list
I used:
Document.All.Item("CamposTrat[0]").Value = "FINALIZADO"
and Document.All.Item("CamposTrat[0]").SelectedIndex = 1
but neither worked.
The .SelectedIndex = 1
almost worked, it "selected" the Option "FINALIZADO" with blue selection (exemple & html code), but don't setted "FINALIZADO" as the 'value' on screen. It felt like that was missing to press "Enter" to confirm.
I just wanna put "FINALIZADO" without click or use "SendKeys{"FINALIZADO"}"
. I wanna a beautiful code :D
Ps: I dont know much about java/vbscript. I don't know yet how to configure those types of codes. If someone can send the "full" code, it will help a lot.
3 months later I had reached the beautiful code kkk:
Dim sh
Dim WS
Dim IE
Dim Produto
Dim Index
Dim Motivo
Dim Obs
Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set WS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For Each wnd In sh.Windows
If InStr(1, wnd.FullName, "iexplore.exe", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Set IE = wnd
Exit For
End If
With IE.Document.All
If .Item("CamposProtocolo[8].Descricao").Value = "Plano de voz" or .Item("CamposProtocolo[8].Descricao").Value = "Após Horário Atendimento" Then
Produto = "MÓVEL"
Produto = .Item("CamposProtocolo[8].Descricao").Value
End if
If .Item("CamposProtocolo[7].Descricao").Value = "Cancelamento Total" or .Item("CamposProtocolo[7].Descricao").Value = "Cancelamento Parcial" Then
Index = 20
Obs = "Móvel e Oi Total cancelados - aguardando conclusão da OS." & Chr(13) & "- Sem acesso a cancelamento/migração R2 -"
Index = 26
Obs = "Sem acesso a " & Chr(13) & "- Nenhuma alteração realizada -"
End if
End With
If MsgBox(" Finalizado? ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Powered by Alexan") = vbYes Then
With IE.Document.All
.Item("CamposTrat[0]").SelectedIndex = 1
.Item("select2-28796-container").InnerText = "FINALIZADO"
.Item("CamposTrat[1]").SelectedIndex = 23
.Item("select2-28797-container").InnerText = "SOLICITAÇÃO ATENDIDA"
.Item("CamposTrat[2]").Value = Produto
.Item("CamposTrat[3]").Value = "BO RETENÇÃO EMPRESARIAL"
.Item("CamposTrat[4]").Value = "CANCELADO"
.Item("CamposTrat[5]").Value = .Item("CamposProtocolo[1].Descricao").Value
.Item("CamposTrat[6]").Value = "0"
.Item("CamposTrat[7]").Value = "0"
.Item("CamposTrat[8]").Value = "-"
.Item("CamposTrat[9]").Value = .Item("CamposProtocolo[14].Descricao").Value
.Item("CamposTrat[10]").Value = "00.000.000/0000-00"
.Item("CamposTrat[11]").Value = .Item("CamposProtocolo[1].Descricao").Value
.Item("CamposTrat[12]").Value = "1"
.Item("CamposTrat[13]").SelectedIndex = 1
.Item("select2-28809-container").InnerText = "NÃO"
.Item("Status").SelectedIndex = 2
.Item("select2-Status-container").InnerText = "Finalizado"
.Item("Observacao").Value = "Protocolo perfilado com sucesso!"
End With
IE.Visible = True
WS.AppActivate "Tratar Protocolos - Internet Explorer"
WS.SendKeys "^{a}"
ElseIf MsgBox(" Pendente? ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Powered by Alexan") = vbYes Then
With IE.Document.All
.Item("CamposTrat[0]").SelectedIndex = 4
.Item("select2-28796-container").InnerText = "PENDENTE"
.Item("CamposTrat[1]").SelectedIndex = Index
.Item("select2-28797-container").InnerText = Motivo
.Item("CamposTrat[2]").Value = "FIXO + BL"
.Item("CamposTrat[3]").Value = "BO RETENÇÃO EMPRESARIAL"
.Item("CamposTrat[4]").Value = "DESMEMBRADO"
.Item("CamposTrat[5]").Value = .Item("CamposProtocolo[1].Descricao").Value
.Item("CamposTrat[6]").Value = "0"
.Item("CamposTrat[7]").Value = "0"
.Item("CamposTrat[8]").Value = "-"
.Item("CamposTrat[9]").Value = .Item("CamposProtocolo[14].Descricao").Value
.Item("CamposTrat[10]").Value = "00.000.000/0000-00"
.Item("CamposTrat[11]").Value = .Item("CamposProtocolo[1].Descricao").Value
.Item("CamposTrat[12]").Value = "0"
.Item("CamposTrat[13]").SelectedIndex = 1
.Item("select2-28809-container").InnerText = "NÃO"
.Item("Status").SelectedIndex = 4
.Item("select2-Status-container").InnerText = "Pendente"
.Item("Observacao").Value = Obs
End With
WS.AppActivate "Tratar Protocolos - Internet Explorer"
WS.SendKeys "{UP}"
WS.SendKeys "{END}"
End if