this is my code and my excel sheet has 1000 rows and 22 columns of data. i want to convert excel to text file. but when i run this, i only get first and line 5 rows and columns of data? how to solve this issue
import pandas as pd
xlsFile = pd.ExcelFile('sample.xlsx')
totalPages= xlsFile.sheet_names
with open('output.txt','w') as textFile:
for page in totalPages:
dataFrame = xlsFile.parse(page)
textFile.write("\nSheet name is:"+page+"\n")
You could try something like this
import pandas as pd
with open('sample.xlsx', 'w') as file:
pd.read_excel('output.txt').to_string(file, index=False)
code pulled from: Convert .xlsx to .txt with python? or format .txt file to fix columns indentation?