I am writing a resume and want to center text at the top of the document which contains my name and email details, like this
I used \begin{center} and \end{center} but it doesnt seem to work
Here is my code:
\textbf{\LARGE Samuel Adams}
& \\ \textbf{Notsville, TX} $|$
\textbf{\phone \ \ +1 (000) 000 0000} $|$
\textbf{cxcx@gmail.com} $|$ \textbf{{www.linkedin.com/ffdfs}}\\
\vspace{1 mm}
Can anyone help me center this piece of text?
This is how it looks right now. I am looking to center both lines just like we do it in word.
The table will be in the middle of the page once
you make the left and right margin the same size
use \noindent
in front of the table to avoid it being indented as the first line of a new paragraph
(I'm actually not sure why you use a table for this, you never use the second column...)
\usepackage[a4paper,bindingoffset=0.3in, left=0.5in,right=0.5in,top =0.8in,bottom=-5in, footskip=.25in]{geometry}
\textbf{\LARGE Samuel Adams} & \\
\textbf{Notsville, TX} $|$ \textbf{\phone \ \ +1 (000) 000 0000} $|$
\textbf{cxcx@gmail.com} $|$ \textbf{{www.linkedin.com/ffdfs}} & \\
\vspace{1 mm}