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How can subtract a character from csv using PowerShell

I'm trying to insert my CSV into my SQL Server database but just wondering how can I subtract the last three character from CSV GID column and then assigned it to my $CSVHold1 variable.

My CSV file look like this

GID       Source               Type   Message   Time
KLEMOE    Od      Hello     12/22/2022
EEINGJ    Od     hey      12/22/2022

Basically I'm trying to get only the first three character from GID and pass that value to my $CSVHold1 variable.

       $CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
        ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
            $CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
            $CSVGID1 = $CSVLine1.GID 
            $CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
            $CSVTYPE1 = $CSVLine1.TYPE
            $CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message

I'm trying to do like above but some reason I'm getting an error.

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.


  • Your original line 3 was/is not valid syntax as Santiago pointed out.

    $CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }

    You are calling $_.$GID but you're wanting $_.GID

    You also don't need to pipe the object into a loop to achieve what it seems you are asking.

    #!/usr/bin/env powershell
    $csvimport = Import-Csv -Path $env:HOMEDRIVE\Powershell\TestCSVs\test1.csv
    ##$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
    ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
        $CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID.SubString(0, $CSVLine1.GID.Length - 3)
        $CSVGID1 = $CSVLine1.GID 
        $CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
        $CSVTYPE1 = $CSVLine1.TYPE
        $CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
        Write-Output -InputObject ('Changing {0} to {1}' -f $CSVLine1.gid, $CSVHold1)

    Using your sample data, the above outputs:

    C:> . 'C:\Powershell\Scripts\dchero.ps1'
    Changing KLEMOE to KLE
    Changing EEINGJ to EEI

    Lastly, be aware that that the SubString method will fail if the length of $CSVLine1.GID is less than 3.