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How to use notification with sound and vibration?

How do you allow the device to vibrate or make a sound when a notification is launched.

Ive heard of the FLAGS. But how would i use them for Sound and Vibration?


  • Edit In Android v4 support library, there is NotificationCompat.Builder and the method setSound which will work if using that class instead. However, the info below will still work.

    Notification notif ... //create your notification
    notif.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
    notif.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;

    That adds sound and vibrate.

    Always remember to check the docs. They have a LOT of answers, such as this one:

    That has the info I posted above as well as info on how to use a custom sound or vibrate and also the entire process of creating a notification.

    EDIT: Don't forget to include the Vibrate permission in your manifest.