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How to disable RTK Query auto-request fetching?

When I apply an auto-generated hook from createApi. That hook makes auto-request to a server, but I need to make that request only during certain condition. I tried to implement it according to Redux documentation: (, but it didn't work out.

My implementation: (src/features/posts/PostList.js)

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useGetPostsQuery } from '../api/apiSlice'

const PostExcerpt = ({ post }) => {
    return (

export const PostList = () => {
    const [skip, setSkip] = useState(true)
    const { data: posts = [], isLoading, isSuccess, isError, error } = useGetPostsQuery({ skip })

    let content

    if (isLoading) {
        content = <h3>Posts Loading ...</h3>
    } else if (isSuccess) {
        content = => <PostExcerpt key={} post={post} />)
    } else if (isError) {
        content = (
                <h3>Error happened</h3>

    return (
        <div style={{ border: '2px solid red' }}>
            <button onClick={() => setSkip(prev => !prev)}>Fetch it</button>

According to Redux Toolkit RTK Query documentation, I should have utilized an object with a boolean skip property in it as an argument for an auto-generated hook. I did, but it didn't work out. It has been anyway making a request to the server. So, what have I been doing wrong?

apiSlice looks like: (src/features/api/apiSlice.js )

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'

// Define our single API slice object
export const apiSlice = createApi({
    // The cache reducer expects to be added at `state.api` (already default - this is optional)
    reducerPath: 'api',
    // All of our requests will have URLs starting with '/fakeApi'
    baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/fakeApi' }),
    // The "endpoints" represent operations and requests for this server
    endpoints: builder => ({
        // The `getPosts` endpoint is a "query" operation that returns data
        getPosts: builder.query({
            // The URL for the request is '/fakeApi/posts'
            query: () => '/posts',
        addNewPost: builder.mutation({
            query: initialPost => ({
                url: '/posts',
                method: 'POST',
                body: initialPost,

// Export the auto-generated hook for the `getPosts` query endpoint
export const { useGetPostsQuery, useAddNewPostMutation } = apiSlice

You also may check this code out on GitHub. GitHub link:


  • Options are always the second argument - you need to do

    useGetPostsQuery(undefined, { skip })