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can we solve basic transaction query using lead and lag window function in sql

I have this i/p table

balance trs_date
27000 2020-01-01
27000 2020-01-02
27000 2020-01-03
31000 2020-01-04
31000 2020-01-05
27000 2020-01-06
27000 2020-01-07
32000 2020-01-08
31000 2020-01-09

i want this o/p

balance s_date e_date
27000 2020-01-01 2020-01-03
31000 2020-01-04 2020-01-05
27000 2020-01-06 2020-01-07
32000 2020-01-08 2020-01-08
31000 2020-01-09 2020-01-09

i have solved it with window function like row_number and partition

SELECT MIN(trdate) AS s_date,
      MAX(trdate)  AS e_date,
FROM   (
  SELECT t.*,
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY trdate)
          - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY balance ORDER BY trdate) AS grp
  FROM   bank t
) t
GROUP BY grp,t.balance order by s_date;

i got the answer correct but

question was to solve this using lead and lag functions if we can solve this using lead and lag can you explain solution not familiar with lead and lag function


  • You can do:

      min(balance) as balance,
      min(trs_date) as s_date,
      max(trs_date) as e_date
    from (
      select x.*, sum(inc) over(order by trs_date) as g
      from (
        select t.*, 
          case when balance <> lag(balance) over(order by trs_date)
               then 1 else 0 end as inc
        from t
      ) x
    ) y
    group by g


    • The inner query marks rows with 1 or 0 depending if they start a new group or not.

    • Then the middle query sums up those increments to produce group numbers.

    • Finally, the external query just uses the group numbers and aggregates values.