In Powerpoint 2007/2010 run on a multiple monitor system, we can select the monitor on which the slideshow will be shown by going to "Slide Show"-> "Set up slideShow" -> "Display SlideShow on" and selecting the desired monitor.
Is it possible to programmatically determine these settings (e.g. using VBA)?
What I actually need is the pixel-resolution of the monitor on which the slideshow is shown. How can I do that?
Try this:
With SlideShowWindows(1)
Debug.Print .Height
Debug.Print .Width
End With
That'll give you results in points. There are 72 points to the inch, so:
ResultInPixels = (ResultInPoints * WindowsDPI) / 72
Typically WindowsDPI is 96 but you can't rely on that. API calls to GetSystemMetrics will give you the current value.