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Lawvere's fixed point theorem in agda

I was struggling to prove a more basic version of lawvere's fixed point theorem in agda. Precisely I am trying to figure out the proof for the bottom theorem.

surjective : {A : _} {B : _} → (A → B) → Set
surjective {B = B} f = (b : B) → ∃ λ a → f a ≡ b

fixedPoint : {A : _} → (A → A) -> Set
fixedPoint f = ∃ λ a → f a ≡ a

lawvere : {A : _} {B : _}
        → (ϕ : A → A → B) → (surjective ϕ) → (f : B → B) →
        fixedPoint f
lawvere = ?

General tips about how to approach similar proofs involving existentials would also be helpful.


  • I think my problem was hesitancy to use equational reasoning which I often have trouble with in agda. The solution I eventually found was:

    lawvere : {A : _} {B : _}
            → (ϕ : A → A → B) → (surjective ϕ) → (f : B → B) →
            fixedPoint f
    lawvere {A} {B} ϕ surj f = ϕ p p , sym proof
        q = λ a → f (ϕ a a)
        p = Σ.fst (surj q)
        proof =
            ϕ p p
          ≡⟨ (cong-app (Σ.snd (surj q)) p) ⟩
            q p
          ≡⟨ refl ⟩
            (λ a → f (ϕ a a)) p
          ≡⟨ refl ⟩
            f (ϕ p p)