I want to plot two empirical distributions in one Graph to explain the kolmogorov-smirnov Test in my paper.
One ecdf with steps from a sample and one continuous distribution.
So the sample could be:
x = c(12.4,11.8,12.9,12.6,13,12.5,12,11.5,13.2,12.8)
which could be tested for N~(12,1).
The result should look something like this .
Thanks in advance :)
another minimalist way:
my_observations = c(12.4,11.8,12.9,12.6,13,12.5,12,11.5,13.2,12.8)
my_ecdf <- ecdf(my_observations)
from = 10, to = 14,
frame = FALSE ## don't plot border
curve(pnorm(x, mean = 12),
from = 10, to = 14,
add = TRUE ## add to existing plot