So, what Iam triyng to do is remove some specific values of a list of strings, I've tried to use regex to no sucess, i want to remove all values that doesnt have a decimal house, i cant just get the numbers from a certain index because the position of the int number varies.
Here's an example of the list
['178', '34,79', '135925,82', '135926,82']
['102021', '191', '135067,69', '858,13', '859,13']
['176054330', '12', '506', '858,13', '0,00', '1,00']
I've tried to do something like this:
vend_values = list(filter(r.match, vend_name))
To get this result:
['34,79', '135925,82', '135926,82']
['135067,69', '858,13', '859,13']
['858,13', '0,00', '1,00']
But with that it ends up removing some lines as well
You don't need to use something as fancy as regex. In python, the in
keyword will do the work for you. You can use list comprehension too:
my_list = ['102021', '191', '135067,69', '858,13', '859,13']
my_filtered_list = [s for s in my_list if ',' in s]
if you want to turn this into a function:
def list_sorter(input_list):
return [s for s in input_list if ',' in s]
Hope that helps!