It seems that there is no ST_SRID
function in exasol
like in other DBMS: SELECT ST_SRID(geom) FROM sampletable
Is there an efficient workaround to determine the SRID of a geometry
column? So far I only had success in parsing the COLUMN_TYPE
string from EXA_USER_COLUMNS
of the table containing the geometry column, which seems a bit clumsy...
There is no specific function for this in Exasol.
Besides using EXA_USER_COLUMNS
you can also use TYPEOF if you are using Exasol 7.1. This is a scalar function that returns the data type of it's argument.
For example:
create or replace table t(a geometry, b geometry(1), c geometry(2));
insert into t values (null,null,null);
select regexp_substr(typeof(a), '[\d]*'), regexp_substr(typeof(b), '[\d]*'),regexp_substr(typeof(c), '[\d]*') from t;