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Apache If condition - HTTP Header Param

I have a question about an condition into vhost rules. I need to add and IncludeOptional redirects files only if a specific param into the header is present.

I think that I can do something like:

<If "%{HTTP:X-block-redirect} in { 'false' }">
 IncludeOptional ...

but I still think that i'm missing something. For example, If the block-redirect is not present (or it's false like my If condition), it should add the IncludeOptional files but if it's true it shouldn't.

I think that a condition that match something like:

<If "%{HTTP:X-block-redirect} **not** in { 'true' }"> 

can work better but I'm struggling on how to create an if like "if NOT this DO that"... Can you help me?

Thanks a lot!


  • In order to resolve this I've just used a single (and simple) !='true' condition.

    <If "%{HTTP:X-value} !='true'">
     IncludeOptional ...

    I thought I could not check a single value instead of an array of values, but I was wrong.

    I hope this solution can help someone else with similar problems!