Here is my metrics code:
from prometheus_client import Gauge
probe = Gauge('probe_success', '1 - probe success, 0 - probe failure'
['probe_type', 'target', 'timeout', 'service', 'namespace', 'reason'])
If request to the address is successful the value in the end is 1, if some error occurs the value is 0.
def probe_success(probe_type, target, timeout, service, namespace, reason, value):
probe.labels(probe_type, target, timeout, service, namespace, reason).set(value)
And this is how my metrics look like:
probe_success{namespace="test",probe_type="http",reason="MissingSchema",service="servicename",target="ddress-test1",timeout="5"} 0.0
probe_success{namespace="test",probe_type="http",reason="ConnectionError",service="servicename",target="http://address-test2",timeout="10"} 0.0
probe_success{namespace="test-2",probe_type="http",reason="",service="servicename",target="",timeout="5"} 1.0
So how could I test these metrics. I read about REGISTRY.get_sample_value but I didn't see how can I use it on gauge set method. In general I don't have idea how to build appropriate test cases. If anyone has suggestions I will be pleased to read them.
Here is my solution:
from prometheus_client import REGISTRY
from utils.metrics import probe_success
def test_probe_success_metric_when_the_probe_fails():
# calling the metrics function, passing the needed parameters
# setting the gauges value to be equal to 0 (which means 'False', by default it is 1 'True')
# searching in prometheus_client REGISTRY by metrics function name, and certain arguments (passed above)
after = REGISTRY.get_sample_value(
'probe_type': 'http',
'target': '',
'timeout': '1',
'service': 'test_service',
'namespace': 'test_namespace',
'reason': 'Timeout',
# assert whether found gauge value of after is equal to 0.0 (the value which we passed above)
assert 0.0 == after
# Here the procedure is the same as above, but with the difference that here the gauge value is set to 1 'True'.
def test_probe_success_metric_when_the_probe_success():
'http', '', 1, 'test_service',
'test_namespace', '', 1
after = REGISTRY.get_sample_value(
'probe_type': 'http',
'target': '',
'timeout': '1',
'service': 'test_service',
'namespace': 'test_namespace',
'reason': '',
assert 1.0 == after
Here is an example with explanation but with Counter metrics: