I'm using fscalender on my project which I have to use both month scope and week scope on different view controller.so when I'm using week scope date title size is getting smaller, but when I increase the view height its getting perfect.but my view should have an fixed size so how can I fix this problem.
here I converted the round background to rectangle by
calendarObj.appearance.borderRadius = 0
The above week title is implemented with stackview.
the rectangle border is not showing full.How to resolve this?Im new to this iOS
I Tried This On A view, I have Added only Few Lines, an it is working as you want.
calendarView.dataSource = self
calendarView.delegate = self
calendarView.scrollDirection = .vertical
calendarView.scope = .week
calendarView.backgroundColor = .clear
calendarView.allowsMultipleSelection = false
calendarView.appearance.selectionColor = .none
calendarView.appearance.borderSelectionColor = .red
calendarView.appearance.todayColor = .clear
calendarView.appearance.titleTodayColor = .black
calendarView.appearance.weekdayTextColor = .black
calendarView.appearance.borderRadius = 0.2
I Hope This Will Help.