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User defined language in pandoc code-block

I'm trying to write a code-block in Coq (long story :)) inside pandoc.

$ pandoc --list-highlight-languages | grep coq | wc -l

Since it doesn't exist, I wonder if there is an option to write my own user-defined code-block-language?


  • The answer depends a little on the output format that's being targeted. The most general solution is to define a syntax definition. Pandoc can parse XML syntax definitions for the Kate editor, see for more info on the format. If you have such an XML file, then pass it to pandoc via the --syntax-definition command line option.

    If the output format is LaTeX (or PDF via LaTeX), then using pandoc with the --listing option should work, esp. when combined with the tips mentioned here:

    Likewise, minted can be used for highlighting, see the minted.lua filter.

    Last but not least, using an external syntax highlighter would be possible via a filter. Lua filters are well suited for that task, as they do not require an additional tool-chain to be installed.