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Table Spotlighting - change text colour based on value on multiple columns

I would like to replicate the following table that in tableau is called Spotlighting

enter image description here

In my case I would like to replicate it with the following base that gives me color to the maximum value per row that are the questions I have an idea to do it with cell_spec() from the kableExtra package


Name<-c("question1",  "question",  "question3",  "question4", 
        "question5",  "question6",  "question7",  "question8", 
        "question9",  "question10")
A<-c(0, 3 ,0 ,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0)
B<-c(5, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1)
C<-c(3, 0, 2 ,2 ,0 ,1, 0 ,1 ,0 ,2)
D<-c(4, 1, 3 ,2 ,0 ,5, 0 ,1 ,3 ,2)


  kbl() %>%
  kable_paper("striped",full_width = F)

enter image description here

Remember that I want to get a table with a similar format only that now I will only show the largest number in the table


  • Loop through the numeric columns and add a colour based on the value (change the ifelse statement as needed):

    tab %>%
                  cell_spec(i, color = ifelse(i > 1, "green", "red"))}) %>% 
      kbl(escape = FALSE) %>%
      kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE)

    enter image description here


    To do the same per row, we can transpose, then as above loop through columns and change the colour based on value, then transpose it back again:

    # transpose, get colour, transpose
    tmp <- data.frame(t(
      data.frame(t(tab[ -1 ])) %>% 
      mutate_all(function(i) cell_spec(i, color = ifelse(i == max(i), "green", "red")))
      ), row.names = NULL)
    # keep 1st name column, add other formatted columns, and kable
    cbind(tab[ 1 ], tmp) %>%
      kbl(escape = FALSE) %>%
      kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE)

    enter image description here