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Semicolon(;) After Class Constructors or Destructors

I am currently maintaining and studying the language using a Legacy Source,I want to clear up some confusion on the use of semi-colons inside a class.

Here is the bit where confusion strikes me.

class Base
  Base(int m_nVal = -1 ): nVal(m_nVal) {} // Confused here
  virtual ~Base() {} // Confused here
  virtual void SomeMethod();
  virtual int  SomeMethod2();
  int nVal;

class Derived : public Base
  Derived(int m_nVal):nVal2(m_nVal) {}; // Confused here
  virtual ~Derived(){}; // Confused here
  virtual void SomeMethod();
  virtual int SomeMethod2();
protected:/* Correction Here */
  int nVal2;

I have noticed that some of the class destructors/constructors have a Semi-colon after them and some of them don't, I do understand that the a semi-colon is a is a statement terminator. My question is does the Semi-colon after the constructors or destructor tells something specific to the compiler? or is it something that doesn't really matter.


  • does the Semi-colon after the constructors or destructor tells something specific to the compiler?

    After (or before) a member function definition it does not.†
    After (but not before) a member function declaration it is mandatory.
    'Probably just an oversight.

    †: Unless the definition has no body:

    struct A { 
      A() = default; // Mandatory semicolon. Definition
      ~A() {}        // Accessory semicolon. Definition
      void foo();    // Mandatory semicolon. Declaration