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VScode fails to export Jupyter notebook to HTML - 'jupyter-nbconvert` not found

I keep on getting error message:

Available subcommands: 1.0.0
Jupyter command `jupyter-nbconvert` not found.

I've tried to reinstall nbconvert using pip to no use. I've also tried the tip from this thread with installing pip install jupyter in vscode terminal but it shows that "Requirement already satisfied" VSCode fails to export jupyter notebook to html

I've also tried to manually edit jupyter settings.json file to the following:

"python.pythonPath": "C:\\Users\\XYZ\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\\LocalCache\\local-packages\\Python39\\Scripts"

I've python 3.9 installed via windows store. Any tip on what might be the issue for vscode doesn't want to export the notebook?


  • Unsure exactly what fixed the issue but heres a summary.

    1. Updated to python 3.10
    2. Installed pandoc and miktex
    3. Powershell reinstall nbconvert
    • Received warning that nbconvert script file is installed in a location not in Path.
    • Copied said location to System Properties - Envionment Variables - Path
    1. Restart and install all miktex package on the go

    PDF export and HTML export seems to work as intended now.