I want to write this sql query with eloquent orm laravel 8.
Select * from apples as a
Left Join Brands as b
On ( (IFNULL(a.x, '') || IFNULL(a.y, '') || IFNULL(a.z, '')) =
(IFNULL(b.t, '') || IFNULL(b.e, '') || IFNULL(b.f, '')))
My eloquent query:
->leftJoin('Brands', function ($join) {
$join->on('Brands.t', '=', 'Apples.x');
$join->on(function ($join2) {
->orOn('Brands .t', '=', 'Apples.x')
->whereRaw("REPLACE('Brands .t',' ','')!=?", '')
->whereRaw("REPLACE('Apples.x',' ','')!=?", '')
->where("Brands .t","!=",null);
->orOn('Brands .e', '=', 'Apples.y')
->whereRaw("REPLACE('Brands .e',' ','')!=?", '')
->whereRaw("REPLACE('Apples.y',' ','')!=?", '')
->where("Brands .e","!=",null);
Apple Columns
x -> Alphanumeric
y-> Alphanumeric
z-> Alphanumeric
Brand Columns
t-> Alphanumeric
e-> Alphanumeric
f-> Alphanumeric
All columns values can be null or empty string like this -> " " without.
Every time matching columns Apple x and Brand t.
For example db show. Any columns contain be whitespace values or null or empty string.
X | Y | Z |
ABC | 2 | |
ABC | 4 | |
ABC | ||
ABC | 5 | 6 |
t | e | f | g |
ABC | 2 | null | ABC_NL |
ABC | '' | 4 | ABC_TR |
ABC | null | whitespace_string | ABC_USA |
ABC | 5 | 6 | ABC_GER |
How can do access true g result with laravel eloquent orm query ?
I solved this problem.
->leftJoin('Apple', function ($join) {
DB::raw("IFNULL(Apple.x, '') || IFNULL(Apple.y, '') || IFNULL(Apple.z, '')"),
DB::raw("IFNULL(Brand.t, '') || IFNULL(Brand.e, '') || IFNULL(Brand.f, '')")