We have some code in C#:
RunProcessAndWaitForExit("cmd.exe", $"/C dir {pstrDriveLetter}:\\ /al /s > {pstrDriveLetter}:\\junctions.log");
In more simple terms its:
dir C:\ /al /s > D:\junctions.log
It is failing in some cases with:
2022-05-22 08:08:52 INFORMATION "Exception generated when running junction logger: cmd.exe finished with exit code = 1: Error: ERR: File Not Found
I'm really confused as what this could be:
I don't think it's doing a redirection to a file that doesn't exist as that fails with:
C:\repos\therepo [fix-dj-delete-snapshots ≡]> cmd.exe /c dir C:\ /al /s > B:\test.log
Out-File: Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'B' does not exist.
What does this error mean? How can I fix it?
Okay I think this just means that it found no junctions!