I'm trying to send notification from abp project using signalR and it works fine with angular but when I tried receive notification in flutter it does not work !! no notification received here is my flutter code
late HubConnection hubConnection ;
void initState() {
void connect() async {
hubConnection= HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl(serverUrl, options: HttpConnectionOptions(
accessTokenFactory: ()=>Api.getAccessToken())).build();
hubConnection.start()?.then((value) => print('connected')); //prints connect successfully
hubConnection.on('ReceiveNotificationMessage', (arguments) {
print('notification');// doesn't print
print(arguments);// doesn't print
Note: I am using signalr_netcore package I also tried signalr_client package
thanks in advance
I solved the problem by listening to onConnect message in order to add the user to connected clients list as the code bellow:
void connect() async {
hubConnection.start()?.then((value) => print('connected'));
hubConnection.on('OnConnectNotificationMessage', (arguments) {