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How to create a countdown timer with jQuery?

I'll have more than one of these small boxes on my site, and each will start counting down at different times.

How can I decrease the numerical value of the timer per second, giving the simulation of a countdown timer?

enter image description here

<p class="countdown">15</p>

Using this javascript it correctly countsdown, but every single auctionbox is affected. How would you suggest I isolate the timer to act on only one item?

var sec = 15
var timer = setInterval(function() {
   $('.auctiondiv .countdown').text(sec--);
   if (sec == -1) {
      $('.auctiondiv .countdown').fadeOut('slow');
}, 1000);

enter image description here


  • Try the following which will properly issue the count down for the selected values.

    $(document).ready(function() {
      // Function to update counters on all elements with class counter
      var doUpdate = function() {
        $('.countdown').each(function() {
          var count = parseInt($(this).html());
          if (count !== 0) {
            $(this).html(count - 1);
      // Schedule the update to happen once every second
      setInterval(doUpdate, 1000);

    JSFiddle Example

    Note: This will run the count down sequence on every element which has the countdown class. If you'd like to make it more restrictive to a single element you'll need to alter the selector from .countdown to something more restrictive. The easiest way is to add an id and reference the item directly.

    <p id='theTarget'>15</p>

    The JavaScript is a little more complex here because you'll want the timer to eventually shut off since there's not much chance, or use, of element with a duplicate id being added

    $(document).ready(function() {
      var timer = setInterval(function() {
        var count = parseInt($('#theTarget').html());
        if (count !== 0) {
          $('#theTarget').html(count - 1);
        } else {
      }, 1000);

    JSFiddle Example