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Vega-lite project: Risk matrix

I am quite a newbie when it comes to vega and would appreciate any help. I am currently creating a risk matrix with the two dimensions "damage potential" and "risk exposure". The ultimate goal is to use in within PowerBI.

My current status can be seen here:

Now I face two main challenges:

  • How is it possible to color the fields so that the matrix looks like this: risk matrix picture
  • How can I populate the fields where there is no number so far (in this case: Damage: medium; Exposure: medium) with a 0?

Any help is welcome. :)


  • Here you go.


    enter image description here

      "$schema": "",
      "data": {
        "url": "",
        "format": {"type": "json"}
      "width": 500,
      "height": 500,
      "transform": [
          "pivot": "Exposure",
          "groupby": ["Damage"],
          "value": "Index",
          "op": "count"
        {"fold": ["high", "low", "medium"]}
      "encoding": {
        "y": {
          "field": "key",
          "type": "ordinal",
          "scale": {"domain": ["high", "medium", "low"]}
        "x": {
          "field": "Damage",
          "type": "ordinal",
          "scale": {"domain": ["low", "medium", "high"]}
      "layer": [
          "mark": "rect",
          "data": {
            "values": [
              {"x": "low", "y": "low", "t": "green"},
              {"x": "low", "y": "medium", "t": "green"},
              {"x": "low", "y": "high", "t": "yellow"},
              {"x": "medium", "y": "low", "t": "green"},
              {"x": "medium", "y": "medium", "t": "yellow"},
              {"x": "medium", "y": "high", "t": "red"},
              {"x": "high", "y": "low", "t": "yellow"},
              {"x": "high", "y": "medium", "t": "red"},
              {"x": "high", "y": "high", "t": "red"}
          "encoding": {
            "color": {
              "type": "nominal",
              "field": "t",
              "scale": {"range": {"field": "t"}},
              "legend": null
            "y": {
              "field": "y",
              "type": "ordinal",
              "scale": {"domain": ["high", "medium", "low"]}
            "x": {
              "field": "x",
              "type": "ordinal",
              "scale": {"domain": ["low", "medium", "high"]}
          "mark": {"type": "text"},
          "encoding": {"text": {"field": "value", "type": "quantitative"}}
      "config": {"axis": {"grid": true, "tickBand": "extent"}}