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MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (2002, "Can't connect to server on '<servername>') | Django+Azure+MySql

I'm having issues connecting my Django app in my local machine to MySql Database in Azure? I added my IP in the Rules and am connecting with this:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'HOST': '<servername>',
        'PORT': '3306',
        'NAME': '<database_name>',
        'USER': '<admin>@<servername>',
        'PASSWORD': '<cecret>',
        'OPTIONS': {'ssl': {'pem': 'tls.pem'} }

I can connect using AzureDataStudio, but not with this configuration in django. I Nmaped my host, found a bunch of open ports but 3306 and 1433 are bound to Sql servers.

Django's runserver shows MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError: (2002, "Can't connect to server on '<servername>' (115)") with this configuration even if I have that server and database within it running.

One example php query string in Azure portal has:

$conn = new PDO("sqlsrv:server = tcp:<server_name>,1433; Database = <database_name>", "<admin>", "{your_password_here}");

So, I'm assuming I should connect to 1433 but only 3306 works from DataStudio. From python runserver it shows django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2013, "Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 104") if I try port 1433. I'm at the limit of my knowledge regarding this.

Correction-1: 3306 doesn't seem to work with Azure DataStudio. But using 1433 in Django settings won't even initialize connection.


  • Apparently I was using connection string and backend that didn't support the "MySql database" I was using. I'm still vague on how it worked but here it goes.

    I created a new Azure Database for MySql servers and created a new Database there. Then used connection strings as provided by @UtkarshPal-MT in my original Django's DATABASE={} entry. Didn't have to do anything else. It just connected.

    Note: You do compulsorily require to pass that certificate.

    Edit1: If you're using this, as I did. enter image description here

    Then you need to use this mssql-django external backend with proper drivers. You can find details on using this backend in that PyPi page.